
...or as I like to say girl, free-sprited!

This is what my apartment looks like! Oh, the horrors of moving! I hate moving. I want to bless someone else...*cough, cough* get rid of *cough, cough* with my love seat, book cases, pots & pans, and other hand-me-down furniture wonders of the 80s and 90s. It's not that I think I'm too good for this stuff. I just don't want the baggage! If it don't fit in the Cobalt, it ain't coming. Snap for the Kids two times! Okaaaay!

Shira, U So SugarFree!

Y'all know I am obsessed with YouTube. It's to the point where YouTube is getting all Mariah on me, trying to front me out like, "Girl, why u so obsessed wit me?!" I was wailing that chorus. Yes I was, girl; yes I was. Don't judge me.
You know what, I like this girl's style. Random, scatterbrained, chatty & she drops pearl of wisdom every time. I love it!
Go watch SugarFree TV, fool.
