Sadly, writing entertaining and random blog posts isn't my full-time job. I spend my time at an establishment that could be described as a 'fine retailer.' No, it isn't Walgreen's or CVS, if you wanted to know. At work I do a lot of things that result in KSAs that could easily be transferred into the gleaming resume of a professional sanitary and neatness technician.
I swipe mirrors and counter tops until they are fingerprint-less and sparkling. I handle mail and put trash out. I steam, fold and hang clothing.
And best of all, I get the privilege of picking up 158-dollar dress shirts (woven cotton, mind you) that have been carelessly strewn about on the fitting room floor. And chair. And doorway. I like untangling the straps of backless dresses and turning pants right-side out. I LIVE FOR IT. I might as well be a maid, the work is strikingly similar. But I bet I could get paid more.